Thursday, July 16, 2009

Plan to Succeed

What do we want and who are we want to be is the start of every project.

What is number one project? Our Life. Would you agree? I would, because positioning our life and looking at it under this angle could change in the right direction.

How many meaningless actions have you done in your life? I would say, too much. Our emotions, our fears (actually I like to abbreviate it as False Evidence Appear Reality) stopped us from making the right decisions. Some decisions we obviously made by the willing of our heart however most important once done through logic.

#1. Heart VS Logic

Are we all good at gut feelings? NO. I know there are tools and exercises on how to develop it however I will right about it in the later stories. Generally speaking feeling lead us usually to a false decision. Would you buy a house just because you like how it looks?
If you say to this question YES then there is a high chance of buying a LEMON full of termites or internal damages.
So in this case you should before final decision made you order inspections and look at the house in details. What I am trying to say is that there are procedures which take place before you make this final and one of the important decisions of your life.
When we try to cook something we get recipe and it is very important to follow it. Otherwise you would end up with liquid bread a burned Steak..
So We Plan and follow procedure logically and consistent in order to minimize risk and increase benefit. However why we are not doing it to our life. We say that we are not robots and we have a free will. Which it 100% true. However doing random actions everyday even going to work and spending at least 3-4 hours browsing internet or finding ways not to work? Is it a free will? Wasting of time and being int he comfort zone of being employed is choice of the free will in our life?

Wake Up

#2 Mind Set

First you have got you head in the right direction. Not you easy but your brains. Read and listen Motivational speakers. Watch movies such as Secret. Use multiple resources which will create a clear picture of how to behave and look at your current situation. And then you will ask and answer to yourself:



Do not rely on one source it will confuse you as everything new confuse our mind. Second book will be interesting then the first one as you will have already some knowledge and you will find a lot of similarities in the thoughts of different Motivational or How to Become Rich authors. Third book will be an Analytical. After you gained some knowledge you will be critically look at what similar they say and what the differences are. Only then I would say you will be ready to to most important step…

#3 Action

If you say I don’t have time, money etc. you just can now close this page and go play World of Warcraft or watch Simpsons. There is nothing to talk with you then. You can’t` take control over the most valuable asset in the world TIME.
Time is everything and mastering time is key in everything you do.
Secondly whenever you do something be 110% focused on it. Skip all other thoughts and on the back of your mind. I will say it again skip it. Otherwise you will may be achieve something in 100 years.
Time and Focus are key things which make things happen. And add one more secret ingredient. POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
These three tolls will drive you to success.
Actually you can apply this formula to anything in your life. Even when you cook soup. You can play lazy card and ply snob personality and the only benefit it will give you is peace but peace from all the good as well as bad. So it is your choice if you want to live life of a Conquest Warrior or a Plant.

Remember you choose results you choose consequences

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